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The Kickstarter campaign rolls on. We’re sitting just shy of 75% funded at this point but, predictably, things are slowing down a little bit. The first wave of backers has crested, and now it’s time to go out and get the second wave.

Why am I telling you this? Well, friends of the shoggoth, it’s because I’d like to enlist your aid in that effort.

I’m not going to ask you to constantly shill for the drive. That’d be crass, not to mention annoying. But I will say this: I think the best way to get people involved and interested is to show them the story itself—that’s why I’ve still got it up and available in its entirety over at

So rather than pointing people directly to the Kickstarter page, if you like the tale and want to encourage others to also, point them to the link above.

I believe that people who like the story of The Littlest Shoggoth will want to have a copy for their own . . . something to share with their children, nieces, and nephews . . . something to laugh over when the over-hype of the holidays gets too much . . . something unusual and fun to put on their bookshelves for nosy visitors to find.

So point people to the online version of The Littlest Shoggoth . . . and just happen to mention that, if they like it, they might want to go check out the Kickstarter, too.

And thanks for your support!

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